To Manifest something is a simple but powerful method where by believing you can do something and focusing your thoughts and energy in that direction, you can actually make it happen. “I have Manifested this” or “I will manifest this” is something you might have heard from highly successful people such as entrepreneurs or any person successful in their field.
We live in a mystical world, there are countless things which cannot be explained. But that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Telepathy, intuition, love and Manifesting are such concepts. Call It a superstition or a phenomena, Many people including me, have experienced them.
Many might argue that thinking about the potential bad outcomes or giving up might help resolving the situation or relieve the stress. It may resolve for a temporary amount of time then later on, it will begin eating the person up with guilt or regret to such an extent that the person becomes insane. In certain cases people even give up their lives or become like a robot who feels nothing due to guilt or regret.
Due to the primordial fear instincts kicking in, some might believe running away might save them and solve the problem. Just think for yourself, how many times your negative thinking led to positive outcomes. It almost always results in disastrous response. This is because, call it either god or universe. They attract positive energy and resent negative energy.
I strongly believe everyone has the potential to manifest what they want. If one has a thought or a goal they wish to achieve then instead of daydreaming or feeling anxious about it, The person must face their fears head on and work towards that goal by finding ways to find practical solutions for their problems. Motivation is not something which comes from outside. It comes from within and is created by a desire to manifest something.
There is a famous proverb which was coined in ancient Greece — “God helps those who help themselves”. The proverb is aimed towards people who do what is required for them to achieve their goal by believing and acting towards it no matter what the cost is.
There are no limitations to us except physical phenomenon's such as life and death. Some might argue and frame excuses saying that they are either poor or bound by their society, expectations, culture, traditions or even their own families to do something or follow something. Let’s just be honest here, they are lying to themselves. The fact that you are here, alive as a human is not less than a miracle. Scientists argued that the odds being 400 TRILLION : 1
let me just put it in numeric format:
400,000,000,000,000 : 1
That’s how rare we are and yet you think you are bound by something? Just imagine for a minute if you were born as an ant or elephant. You might say what an absurd argument. What I basically meant by this statement was that the universe works in mysterious ways and manifesting something is very much possible when one doesn’t give up. The first step of manifesting is to remove the barriers and the limits one has put on themselves. Let it be anything.
You have a voice. You do have a choice. You have the power, the courage, and the strength within you to make significant things happen. Everything which is thought to be physically possible in this world is POSSIBLE. For example, You do not have a power over life and death, other physical realities. Everything else is possible. You can manifest your relationship, money, health, status etc. You are here to live your OWN life. Not live according to the expectations set by your parents, teachers, society. You are loved and some people do care. Hope is never given up, it is created from within. Even if things seem hard or don’t go according to your plan, One must always remember that You got to improvise and make other plans constantly. Since the first step of manifesting is to accept the present moment and do what seems best at the present to achieve your desired goal in the future. This is how you manifest something.